L-Arginine HCL Uses, Benefits, Side Effects and More

L-arginine is one of the amino acids in the body which is naturally produced in the body to function well. Did you know- taking it as a supplement helps reduce heart disease, build muscles, gives …

L-Arginine HCL Uses, Benefits, Side Effects and More

L-arginine is one of the amino acids in the body which is naturally produced in the body to function well.

Did you know- taking it as a supplement helps reduce heart disease, build muscles, gives much strength, and provides many benefits to keep the body healthy? L-arginine also plays a vital role in rebuilding tissue and protein.

Well, there is a lot to learn about this. So, this article will give you an in-depth understanding of L-arginine HCL uses, benefits, side effects, and some astounding facts. So, without further ado, let’s binge on!

L-Arginine HCL Uses

L-Arginine is an amino acid that is helpful for the body. It works effectively to ensure proper health. Although the human body naturally produces L-Arginine, sometimes it requires more. When this is the case, you can take the L-arginine supplements.

How It Works

L-arginine is one kind of amino acid that provides nitric oxide synthase substrate. It acts more like a vasodilator that opens blood vessels. It even aids in treating your mind, body, erectile dysfunction, heart, blood pressure, and other alarming conditions. Therefore, taking L-arginine orally can help you solve these issues.

How Many Times You Can Take It

Anyone can take L-arginine depending on age, medical history, and present health conditions. You need to take 6-30 grams of L-arginine per day. Ensure you follow the amount and avoid exceeding it to avoid any possible adverse effects.

When and How to Take It

You can take it with or after every meal. The best time to take L-arginine is before a workout. So, take the supplement 30 minutes before a workout session to improve muscles, strength, and enhanced stamina.


Taking too much L-arginine can cause allergic reactions. So those with allergic issues and asthma should stay away from this amino acid. Besides, don’t take the supplement if you have genital herpes or cold sores.

L-Arginine HCL Benefits

L-arginine is a good source providing amino acids in the body. You can get a lot of benefits if you take it regularly. Below are some of the astounding benefits that you can get from this remedy.

Secure Heart Health

According to studies, L-arginine can give the body a lot of goodness and prevent heart diseases. So, taking a good amount of L-arginine secures your heart and keeps it away from heart attacks.

Reduce High Blood Pressure

L-arginine deals with high blood pressure too. If you consume this amino acid regularly, it can keep your blood pressure under control. People of different ages can take L-arginine supplements to get the benefits.

Improve Male Fertility

It can even help men with fertility issues. It treats erectile dysfunction and gives more strength, energy, and sexual drive. This is the reason why some men even take it, like Viagra.

Decrease Chest Pain

If you are experiencing chest pain, you can take L-arginine supplements. It helps to calm down the pain and prevent the symptoms.

Wound Healing  

L-arginine is an excellent source to heal wounds. To treat injuries and repair them fast, take L-arginine supplements or eat such foods that contain this ingredient. However, make sure you follow the rules and dosage guidelines to get better results.

Reduce the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

L-arginine can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. This is because it has the quality to lower blood sugar and keep it in control. However, to get better and faster results, it’s essential that you are regular with the consumption.

L-Arginine HCL Side Effects

Although there are a lot of bright sides to L-arginine, there are also some drawbacks. These side effects mainly occur when you exceed the recommended dosage.


Bloating is a common problem when taking too much L-arginine. You should be careful when taking such medications. Consult your doctor and get the right idea about dosage according to your body and health conditions.


It is another symptom you suffer if you exceed the amount of taking L-arginine. Too much of it can cause stomach pain and diarrhea. So, be aware of the consumption limit.

Kidney Damage

Having too much L-arginine can result in severe kidney damage. Ensure that you take the proper amount of the supplement (30 grams per day) to avoid such adverse effects.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can L-arginine affect sleep?

L-arginine doesn’t affect sleep. It is even helpful to increase slow sleep issues and reduce waking up in the first 4 hours.

2. How long does L-arginine side effects last?

The side effects can last up to 3 months. However, you may also face breathing issues and asthma that may require a little more time to recover.

3. Can L-arginine harm the liver?

Having too much L-arginine can damage the liver. It partially reduces the liver enzyme levels and causes stomach pain.

Wrap Up

L-arginine has a lot of benefits. However, taking the supplement correctly is always recommended to get the most of the benefits. L-arginine can be one swallow away from getting rid of problems like high blood pressure, male infertility, and even heart disease.

There are many facts about L-arginine HCL uses, benefits, side effects that we have illustrated here. Yet, feel free to consult your doctor first before binging on this remedy.


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Jordan Kally is a certified strength and conditioning specialist and a registered yoga teacher. Jordan is a gym owner in New York, where he holds personal training/health coaching sessions. He teaches classes on topics which include exercise, weight loss, stress management, sleep, and healthy eating.

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